The High Republic Adventures #12 by Daniel Jose Older (5/5)

The twelfth issue of The High Republic Adventures by Daniel José Older was simply mindblowing. I wanted to hold off to review it until after I did a post-Midnight Horizon reading of it, and somehow it was even better than the first time. This issue is a solid 5/5 from start to finish. It gives us everything we could ever want. Well… those of us that have been shipping Lula and Zeen from the beginning.

The way that this issue fits so well into parts of Midnight Horizon makes me even more grateful for Daniel José Older’s genius. It’s clear how much Lula and Zeen (and the other characters, of course) mean to him with the love and care that he put into their creation and that way that they’re written. The deep struggles that Lula and Zeen are going through speak so strongly to me as a Queer person. I know how it feels to think that there is something wrong with your love, so it breaks my heart in the way that I can relate to these characters even though I never want anyone to ever experience what I have been through.

In story moments, this issue ends the hunt for Krix that has been going on for almost this entire comic run. While Daniel José Older can write kids that are absolutely wizard characters, Krix really proves to me that he can write kid characters that I want to kick. I think a lot of people who have former best friends who turned against them know a Krix in our lives. It’s sad, and maybe I just see so much of my former friends who turned against me for being Queer or making new friends that treated me better and genuinely loved me in Krix, but I do not like that kid. He is so very written and a brilliant character because of how realistic he is, but as a person, I do not like him. I am so happy for Zeen that she’ll hopefully never have to deal with him again. She’s better off without him.

So many of my thoughts on this issue tie very heavily into my thoughts about Midnight Horizon, and I really want to be careful about spoiling that book here in this review. So, if you haven’t read Midnight Horizon and also all of The High Republic Adventures, you should do that.

I really love how this issue begins with Kantam telling Lula that she is teaching them the most difficult things. Lula is so precious here, thinking that it’s a flip with a lightsaber, and I love this glimpse into a young Lula. She really does have the purest of souls. I also adore how far she has come since we first met her. She had grown into an amazing Jedi, and I do hope that she gets knighted soon because she has been through a lot and really does deserve it. However, I know that if it happens, I will become a complete wreck. Also, the moment on the last page of this issue where Zeen and Lula hold hands has me in a chokehold, okay?

Issue #13 comes out later this month (February 2022), and I cannot wait to read it, even though I’m scared. Thank you, Daniel José Older for this brilliant story. You’re changing my life with every piece of The High Republic that you create.


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