The High Republic #12 by Cavan Scott (5/5)

Cavan Scott’s writing and Georges Jeanty’s art in The High Republic #12 was simply mind-blowing. After a few issues packed with adventure, this issue felt different in the way that it handled the characters. Due to previous issues dealing with more action and this issue not really needing to do that because of how it was setting up more action, we got to spend time with the emotions of key characters like Avar, Keeve, and Sskeer. It’s important to see where these characters are at mentally before we move on to more action, which I am scared for. I’m generally scared for the upcoming works in The High Republic. Not in a bad way, I just don’t want anything bad to happen to the characters that I love. This issue though, is a full 5/5 stars, there is nothing else I could give it for a rating. It’s beyond wonderful in the way that Scott uses words to express the characters’ emotions and Jeanty uses the art to go deeper into the emotions.

I want to talk about Avar first, and her journey in this issue. Coming off of losing the chance to capture Lourna Dee, she is going through a rough time, having feelings of guilt and, naturally, she wants to take big steps to take down the Nihil. Even from Light of the Jedi, she was described as a character who was bold and strong willed, and we’re continuing to see it here. I fully believe that she wants the same thing as Stellan does, but he is more of a cautious person in general, add into that his Council position, and of course they’re at odds. However, I am at loath to take a side because they want the same things, they’re simply going about it in different ways. I really don’t want to think about the strain on their friendship though. It hurts me to think about it. I just want the Firebrands to be okay. The art of Avar in this issue that just captures the worry and sadness in her eyes. I love her and I love where this comic series is leading us to. Avar’s emotions within this issue add to her complexity as a character and show that she is vulnerable and has emotions, which is really important going forward. Now that this has been expressed in a more explicit way, it’s easier to see how Avar, while she is right to want to eliminate the Nihil threat that is plaguing the Republic, she is emotionally compromised in a way that a Jedi shouldn’t be. She’s not supposed to be ruled by her emotions, and so this is potentially a very dark path she is on. Either way, I love her, and I can’t wait to see what happens next, so long as she’s okay, but it isn’t looking good for my gal. Thinking about how she sort of acted with anger in some places without acknowledging that again sets her apart from Stellan who did lash out in Daniel José Older’s Trail of Shadows #3 because he did address it almost immediately.

Sskeer and Keeve’s relationship was also really interesting and emotional (but in a different way) in this issue. Their relationship as Master & Apprentice is very special to me because of everything that they have been through together, and how they are still incredibly close to one another even after Keeve has been knighted. She still sees Sskeer as a teacher, someone that she trusts and leans on, and that gets swapped around in this issue when Sskeer needs to confide in Keeve. As a character in general, I kind of find myself relating to Keeve. Tough, but gentle, strong and intelligent, with a mouth fit for a sailor, but still, she remains someone who has a great deal of respect for those around her. Someone who is a loyal friend that anyone would be lucky to have! I cannot wait to see how her and Sskeer’s arcs culminate in the final issues (yes, part of that is rooted in fear for both of them).

Overall, this issue is, hands-down, five-stars. I adore it, and keep going back to read it, just to experience the emotions all over again. If you haven’t been reading the Marvel High Republic comics, I cannot recommend them more than I do. They take the world of the novels and expand on them in such a delightful and beautifully artistic way.


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