Trail of Shadows, Issues #1 & 2 by Daniel Jose Older (5/5)

The High Republic: Trail of Shadows Issue #1 released on 13 October, and I have read it every single day for about a week. When Issue #2 was moved back by two weeks, I wasn’t sure I would survive it. Nevertheless, I did, and Trail of Shadows Issue #2 was released on the 24 Novemer. I am still blown away by this story and very eagerly waiting for the next installment, due in December. It might just be my favourite comic miniseries ever. Maybe.

It begins at Gritzal, one of the key locations of Cavan Scott’s The Rising Storm, and of course Cavan knows what he did. This comic, seeing what Cavan did, rather than just picturing it in my head—it blew me away completely. From the time we saw the preview, I knew that it was going to be spectacular if heartbreaking. I would like to say that Daniel José Older also knows what he did, because he was part of the group that plotted these events and made them happen.

The first issue introduced Sian Holt and Emerick Caphtor, two investigators who ultimately meet in the second issue to solve what happened on Gritzal. It is a compelling mystery story that includes a very creepy nursery rhyme? Lullaby? All I know is that it has been stuck in my head for about a month and a half at this point.

With comics, one also must consider the quality of the art, which is stunning. Unfortunately, some of the art in other recent High Republic works has been a bit… awkward, but it hasn’t ruined the stories for me. I’m just glad that the art isn’t distracting me from Trail of Shadows and the tone of the story. I am a huge fan of the noir genre and getting a Star Wars noir story is mind-blowing to me, and I never thought that it would happen. I immediately fell in love with the characters of Emerick and Sian, and cannot wait to hear more of their stories, especially as they embark on this mission together for the Republic.

Issue #1 was incredible to me, but Issue #2 might have swept me off my feet. Not to get sappy, but I really have a lot of interest in the relationship between Stellan and the Chancellor and seeing them in a panel together warmed my heart. Another panel gave us Sian lounging with her feet up on their ship, and then shirtless Emerick? Hats off to David Wachter for the incredible art that had me glued to the page, falling in love with these characters.

Because Trail of Shadows is a noir story, and a little bit darker in tone, we get to explore a whole new side of this era that without this miniseries, we might not have gotten, which would have been a loss. But I do thank Daniel José Older for giving us this amazing story that fits so beautifully into the larger world of Star Wars.

Issue #3 is currently slated for release on 22 December, an early Christmas gift to me, I suppose. I cannot recommend this comic miniseries enough, go catch up on it and May the Force Be With You.


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