Trail of Shadows, Issue 3 by Daniel José Older

My initial reaction was incoherent squealing, and absolutely losing my cool over this issue. My goodness, it was a gem, and I cannot wait to read it a third time. I want to give it more stars than five, and since I make the rules, I’m going to do that. I love this issue so very much, everything about it is an absolute delight. My one complaint? Now I have to wait until (according to current release dates) 5 January to get issue 4. I hope it doesn’t get moved back but knowing my luck it will. Thankfully, that is only (currently) two weeks away, and I might be able to manage the wait. However, I know that I will not have recovered from The Fallen Star which comes out the day before. However, I am very much looking forward to the last two issues of Trail of Shadows, even though I won’t know what to do with my life after it’s over.

First, I just love the building of the relationships between these characters. Sian and Emerick… I’ve only had them for three issues of one comic miniseries, but their friendship means the galaxy to me. Issue 2 had some fun ‘getting to know you’ moments between them, and now the two are a full-on power duo, and I love that. Sian teasing Emerick about humming the creepy nursery rhyme that we still don’t know the full importance of? I love it. The crossover with THRA #11 where we get to see the Rumble Race again? I love it. Their little stroll through Starlight Beacon and the friendship stuff at the end? You guessed it, I loved it. I don’t know if I ship the two of them yet, but couple or not, I love them individually and together. Emerick hugging Keeve was so cleansing for my soul as a fan, cause wow, she really needs a hug after all the stuff she’s been through in The High Republic main comic series. Cav really knows what he’s doing, doesn’t he?

Speaking of shipping, anyone who knows me knows that I am a Firebrand/Stellzavar polycule truther, and nothing can take that away from me, so I really enjoyed the moments in this issue where Emerick (and Stellan) talked a bit about the relationship between the three of them. It meant so much to me, and I hope we get more of it. It is interesting to me that Emerick starts to talk about how Stellan and Avar will ‘work it out’ and starts to, presumably, say that they always do. The Firebrand drama makes me sad, but also, I kind of want more of it. No friendship is really perfect, and we all have days and moments that we aren’t at our best, and we butt heads with those that we care about. If the authors are reading this, especially Daniel who I am tagging in this, please more Firebrands. I love them. Happy Firebrands, please. One last thing about the Firebrands: Stellan losing his temper threw me off for a moment, but I think it makes sense. He’s been so calm, and there are two brilliant other people suggesting that the source of his Grizal trauma might have been a hallucination… oof. However, I am glad that they worked it out, and Stellan was able to sort it out. We know he can communicate. Then we got to see Avar and the look in Stellan’s eyes when she speaks is very interesting to me. Emerick and Sian just dipping after that was peak comedy to me, and I love that. We have all been there, wanting to leave an awkward conversation like what Stellan and Avar probably had.  

The plot with the Nihil is getting bigger, and therefore, so is my fear. One of my biggest fears, currently, is becoming a Marchion Ro simp, and I guess that’s coming true cause… wow. He has a nice chest, I guess. Thanks, Dave Wachter, for that one. Just thank you in general for all the incredible art in Trail of Shadows, the art is all so pretty and Sian is my beloved, so thank you for depicting her so wonderfully. I was captivated by that Marchion shirtless for at least a minute. And because the Nihil plot is just full of my fear, here is another one: I fear for Uttersond’s safety, but I hope that he gets to stay alive. I think he’s just a funky little lad and I don’t want him to die.

Finally, I just want to cry over the last pages. Emerick saying that ‘Everyone [he’s] ever cared deeply about has been Jedi. Until now, that is,’ I’m crying. Sian telling Emerick that he ‘looked like [he] could use someone holding him with the same gentleness he had for Keeve,’ boom, I’m crying. Emerick talking about his relationship with his emotions as a Jedi, I’m a wreck. The hug… now I need a hug because this issue is probably one of the best things I have ever read in my entire life. Just wow. Wow, 5/5, 10/10, 100 emoji, just all of the top ratings. Thank you, Daniel José Older, I cannot wait to see what is next in this miniseries. Please don’t let Sian and Emerick disappear after these comics? Okay thank you.


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