The High Republic Adventures Bakeoff (∞/5) by Daniel José Older
Ain’t no bake off like a High Republic bakeoff, because a High Republic bakeoff tells a story. The High Republic Adventures Bakeoff one-shot is probably one of the most wholesome things I have ever read in my life. Daniel Jos é Older completely sold me on the Kantam/Torban ship that I didn’t really see the hype for until I read this and was like, ‘oh, they really are a cute duo’. Maybe I had the beginnings of those thoughts with the Rumble Race, but we can’t be 100% certain. I just think that the way that Kantam was drawn looking at Torban… there is something there. We know Daniel Jos é Older likes feeding the Queer fans of Star Wars with his delightful works, so why can’t… Kantuckets (?) be canon too? Anyway, in addition to the one-shot, High Republic Twitter had its own little bakeoff, hosted by my lovely friend and Books and Beacons co-host, Lil, and that was such a fun day, seeing what everyone was baking in the hype. The story in this one-shot alone is a full five stars, but ...